How to Overcome Food Addiction
Eating healthy and losing weight might appear impossible for a lot of people. Despite their best intentions, they find themselves eating considerable amounts of unhealthy foods knowing that it might cause them harm. The truth is that the effects of specific foods on the brain make it difficult for some people to avoid them. Food addiction is a serious problem and a major reasons why some peoples can't control themselves about certain foods no matter how hard they try. What Is Food Addiction? It’s a relatively new — and controversial — term, and high-quality statistics on its prevalence are lacking. Food addiction is similar to several other eating disorders, including binge eating disorder, bulimia, compulsive overeating, and other unhealthy relationships with food. Effects on Your Brain Processed crap foods have a powerful influence on the reward centres of the brain. The same neurotransmitters are also involved, and many of the symptoms are identical The most pr...